We hope that you are looking forward to attending Auburn University and participating in recruitment. All of our Panhellenic sororities are outstanding and are committed to providing opportunities for their members to help them develop their greatest potential as students and as women. Sororities today are far more than just social organizations; they facilitate the growth and development of their members and contribute much to the community. Use recruitment week to determine for yourself if you would like to become part of the Panhellenic community at Auburn University. Please know, however, that affiliation with a sorority is not a prerequisite for an active and successful college experience. Joining a sorority, therefore, should be an individual decision, one which you make for yourself, not for your mother or your sister or best friend. Whether you join a sorority or not, recruitment week will be a time for making new friends and beginning a new and exciting part of your life. Recruitment is open to all women accepted to Auburn University or presently enrolled at Auburn University. Auburn University Panhellenic recruitment is open to all enrolled Auburn University women regardless of race, religion, color, age, national origin, disability, or veteran status.
Fall 2024 Recruitment Information:
June 1: Recruitment registration begins online
July 7: Deadline to order extra t-shirts through registration
July 14: Registration deadline
August 2, 3, 5: Returning Member Move-In
August 6-8: Potential New Member Early Move-In
August 9: Kickoff & Ice Water Teas Round
August 10-12: Philanthropy Round
August 13-15: Sisterhood Round
August 16: Preference Round
August 17: Bid Day
August 19: Classes begin
*Do your best to be in town by August 8 to meet with your recruitment counselor and pick up your Philanthropy Round shirts. Morning rounds begin at 8:00 am, whether a half day or full day. Afternoon rounds begin at 1:30 pm. Registrants should be prepared to dedicate their week to Panhellenic Recruitment. There will be times outside of the schedule when they will be required to meet with their Recruitment Counselors.
2024 Panhellenic Recruitment Philanthropy Round T-shirts

The three links below will help you as you navigate your way through sorority recruitment. Be sure to read through the top two before going to the third:
Last modified: May 29, 2024