In order to make your recruitment experience a more enjoyable one, you will have a Pi Chi, or Recruitment Counselor, to help you along. There are about 130 Pi Chis. Each Pi Chi is a sorority member who has separated herself from her sorority since the end of the Spring Semester so that she will be prepared to objectively counsel you as you participate in recruitment. Each Pi Chi will have a group of about 15 potential members. The Pi Chi will serve as a guide to this small group and she will help make recruitment a more manageable experience for you. Even if you don’t pledge, the friends that you make through your Pi Chi and your Pi Chi group will make recruitment worthwhile. Part of what makes your Pi Chi a worthy confidante is that she is disaffiliated from her sorority so that you can freely share your thoughts with her. It is a secret which sorority she is a member of. The most important thing she wants you to know is that she is a member of Panhellenic, and that each of our Panhellenic groups is great. She will reveal her affiliation to you at the very end of the week, so don’t spoil the fun by trying to find out which sorority she belongs to before the time has arrived.
It’s also important for you to know that the Recruitment Executive Board (REB) is here to help. The REB is comprised of six Panhellenic Executive Officers, including our Vice President for Recruitment, as well as our two Computer Analysts, Director of Recruitment Media, Head Pi Chis, Director of EAGLES Initiatives, and Director of Recruitment Operations. This group has planned all of the logistics of recruitment and, although they do not have recruitment groups to counsel, they love working with potential members and are here to answer your questions and help meet your needs. The REB members will be dressed distinctively throughout the week so that you will be able to easily find them.