Our Panhellenic Council is comprised of about a hundred women. There are three representatives from each sorority: the chapter President, the voting Delegate, and the Junior Panhellenic Delegate. They represent their sororities as we interact as a Panhellenic Council. Each sorority works closely with its National Panhellenic Delegate to ensure that we act within the boundaries of our sorority bylaws as well as National Panhellenic Conference policy. There is also a cabinet of around twenty sorority women who coordinate the various Panhellenic projects and efforts we participate in. They are chosen in November by an application and interview process. The outgoing and incoming Panhellenic executive officers make those selections. At the same time cabinet members are chosen, we also select eight women to serve in recruitment-related positions on the Recruitment Executive Board. The Panhellenic Council is led by the Panhellenic Executive Board, which is a five member team chosen by an application and interview process by the outgoing Panhellenic council through votes from their chapter delegates. We meet as a council on alternating Tuesdays when classes are in session. On the Tuesdays that we do not meet as a council, we meet in our small groups (cabinet together, delegates together…) to have discussions that don’t relate to the whole group.
Last modified: January 3, 2019